Katy can't even keep her lies about her websites straight. According to her domain info page:
"I purchased toxicpink.com and hosting 02/01. SFNG had a section on the site for one or two versions. "
HOWEVER, on FRIDAY, she wrote this entry:
"1. How long have you had a web Site? I'm thinking since 99 or so. I didn't find Blogger for at least a year after I came online. I can't recall for sure. May not have been until I bought a domain."
If you're gonna lie, keep it straight.
"I purchased toxicpink.com and hosting 02/01. SFNG had a section on the site for one or two versions. "
HOWEVER, on FRIDAY, she wrote this entry:
"1. How long have you had a web Site? I'm thinking since 99 or so. I didn't find Blogger for at least a year after I came online. I can't recall for sure. May not have been until I bought a domain."
If you're gonna lie, keep it straight.